High-Quality Data to Help You Better Build, Understand, and Engage Your Community
Atlas by Murmuration is seamlessly integrated into our tools, providing the data that community-focused organizations need to drive change.

Atlas by Murmuration provides community-focused organizations with an enriched dataset to help them drive their impact. Seamlessly integrated into our Organizer platform, the Atlas by Murmuration dataset enables organizations to identify and activate people, powering complex outreach and strategic efforts. And our team of data experts helps it to improve over time based on feedback from our partners and new developments in the field.
Comprehensive Data Made for Organizing
Starting with multiple national voter files, Atlas by Murmuration is enriched with custom model scores, consumer and census data, and more. Atlas by Murmuration can be securely augmented with custom data directly from your organization, so you can combine your community knowledge with our data expertise.

Robust Infrastructure
Atlas by Murmuration is built on a robust infrastructure that allows for data to be updated quickly and frequently. This means that our tools include the most relevant data available, allowing you to make informed decisions that get results.

Backed by Experts
Our data experts are continually working to address the needs of organizations working at the community level by creating new scores, filling data gaps, and refining our dataset. Atlas by Murmuration will grow and evolve to become more comprehensive and make your efforts more efficient year after year.